Elder Law Attorney Elected to Life Care Planning Law Firms Association Board of Directors
Hays, KS - Randy Clinkscales with Clinkscales Elder Law Practice, P.A. was recently elected to serve as Secretary on the Life Care...

Best Friends You Can Trust
I have two friends with whom I hunt with each year. I met one (Lane) in college, and the other (Russel) I met though Lane, while in...

The First Step
My oldest son, Josh, works in my office. Once a year, he and I retire to the woods to review the office for the year. It helps us make...

Christmas - It Is Worth the Effort
I am like most people. I tend to do the same things the same way, over and over. Even in church, I gravitate to the east side, sitting...

Lessons from Vacation: Are You Still Ready for Your Journey?
Recently I have been relating some lessons from a vacation my wife and I took this summer. We spent a couple weeks in the mountains of...

Lessons from Vacation - Unusual Friends
Recently, I have been writing articles inspired by the vacation my wife and I took this summer. We went to Colorado. While there, I...

Lessons From Vacation - Too Old to Be This Stupid
My wife and I were headed to Colorado. At the last minute (like 4 p.m.), we decided to take two sets of twin box springs and mattresses...

Lessons From Vacation - Retirement of Your Best Friend
A few weeks ago, I related to you that my wife and I went on vacation in August for a couple of weeks. We took the trip to Colorado, and...

Lessons From Vacation - "Money Can't Buy You Love"
My wife and I took a couple of weeks off in late August. We went to Colorado and over the two weeks, we had various family and friends...

Life is Rarely a Straight Line
I am getting to the age that sometimes I look back on my life at the all the twists and turns. I know that all my “experiences” helped...