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Grey Really Does Matter--Vote

When I was originally ask to write a recurring article, the column initially was called Gray Matters. It was a double entradre—grey matter as in brain matter; but more especially, older Americans (with grey hair), really do matter. I think if had to summarize my relationship with my clients, it would be that: you matter. You are important. What you think is important; it matters. What you have experienced matters. What you want, matters. Your role in our society, regardless of your age, matters. Hence the theme of all my article—Grey Matters.

I recently read that "fewer than 1% of our population works hard to divide us, to pit people against one another for their selfish aim."

We have elections at our doorsteps. Much of the election advertisements are trying to pit us against each other.

It seems that each election the voter turnout is slight – generally less than 50% of the registered voters. Yet the vote decides who is going to govern us. That power to govern includes state and local taxation; education of our children; health care; Medicare benefits; Social Security benefits; how to deal with pandemics; providing for our safety and our security; and creating laws and policies that will support or devastate our economy.

It includes the power to wage, or not to wage, war; to give and take away our freedoms; to control the very fabric of our day-to-day lives.

Yet, we still have people who do not vote.

I remember a conversation with my grandparents from when I was young. In a particular election, my grandfather was going to vote for one political party; my grandmother the other. They decided not to vote, under the excuse, "We just cancel each other out." Voting is so much important than that. I understand that now.

I have an agenda when I vote. I want my rights and my clients’ rights to be protected. I want my clients not to worry about healthcare. I want there to be adequate and affordable health services for them.

I want them to have financial security. I want their businesses, farms, retirement, Social Security, and Medicare to be protected. I want them to be safe in their homes; I want them to be safe outside their homes.

I also want certain fundamental rights protected for those who may be of limited means or maybe a member of a minority group, as well as those who have a not so popular religion or lifestyle. I do not want mob rule to control us. I want to be sure that we have all the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights – including free speech, the right to vote, privacy, and a free press.

So, that is my agenda. That is my test.

Let me add something that my grandfather taught me – do not trust someone who continues to lie, no matter how big or small the lie. Walk away from that person. That too is part of my litmus test of a candidate, and whether I will support that candidate. Regardless of what that candidate proclaims as his/her beliefs, if the candidate lies, I am out of there.

Some encourage us not to vote. They make it more difficult to vote. They imply that as older Americans we somehow don’t matter.

I am one of the greys now. Greys Matter. You matter. Your vote matters.

Create your own agenda, your own litmus test. Your agenda may be a lot different than mine. That is fine. We will not cancel each other out. Vote for the person that most matches your agenda. Vote for someone you trust; someone who has earned that trust. No candidate is perfect, but we cannot just give up by not voting. Vote in person or by mail. Call the County Clerk in your county if you have questions.

We greys matter. Vote.

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