A Special Tomato Year
The year 2024 was a banner tomato year in the Clinkscales household, all thanks to my wife, Barbara. It was not the quantity; it was the quality.
Barb started her Heirloom tomatoes in March 2024, planting seeds in starter containers. She sat them on a buffet in the South part of our living room, so they would get abundant light. When the seeds sprouted, she treated the sprouts like new babies – lots of care, watering, and nurturing (and, yes, kind words were spoken). When she left town, I was given written instructions on the care of these infant tomato baby plants. If we were both out of town, she was anguished until we returned. Many times, she would make arrangements for someone to go check on her plants.
Eventually, the babies were mature enough to be transitioned to the outdoors. Throughout the early spring, Barb protected the plants from wind, hail, and cold. Then, she guarded them from rabbits and pests. In the Summer, she watered and fertilized the plants, careful not to overdue either.
Finally, by August, the tomatoes came in. Oh my, they were wonderful. I love BLTs, but I also love Greek salads made with such wonderful tomatoes.
We continued to have tomatoes into early October. The end of the last of the tomatoes was like ending a wonderful vacation – disappointing but lots of good memories.
Barb had a couple of tomato plants that excelled. She picked several of their offspring, drying and removing the seeds – preserving them in a special place.
It is now March of 2025. As I was writing the first draft of this article, she planted seeds from last year’s harvest in the starter containers. As I finish this article, the seeds have started to sprout. A new year and new crop!! I can see the look in Barbara’s eyes, as she anticipates growing, protecting and carrying for the new plants from those special seeds.
I like to look at events and people, and the life lessons I can learn from them. I see so many in watching Barb and her personal relationship with the tomato plants and their offspring. A few are:
1. Achieving something really special requires special effort.
2. When you develop something really special, appreciate and repeat it; don’t skip steps.
3. While you can buy something off the shelf, it may be worth the extra effort and time to make it truly special.
4. Some people have dedication and determination for excellence.
5. Success is in the details.
6. Watching someone who is a master at anything, whether it is growing tomatoes, repairing a plumbing system, or raising cattle, is a wonder to me and I admire it—just strive to be the best that you can at whatever you do.
What the heck does this have to do with the practice of law? In our office, we strive to bring to our practice that same enthusiasm, expertise, drive, care, process and determination that Barb brings to raising her own special tomato plants. One of our key sayings is to care for our clients like we would want our grandmother to be cared for.
Here is hoping you have a great tomato year—and rich life.